In 2016 I had an idea to take one plan from Ana White white and see how many different ways each of my building friends could modify the build into their “own” piece. I contacted Ana White who was more than willing to collaborate on a plan and even offered to sponsor a prize for the winner who best modified her plan.
See her thoughts on the first ever Builders Challenge HERE.
The challenge was simple. It involves one wood based product build plan and 3 weeks to build it. 7 Seasons later, with the encouragement from Ana, The Challenge has exploded into a woodworking phenomenon.
Each season we invite a builder to create a plan for our participants to use and modify into their own creation. This plan is only available to those who participate in the challenge and is an original piece never before seen or used. Once the build is completed our entrants post photos of their piece to Instagram where they are judged and scored by other fellow builders we invite to be judges.
I’ve never referred to the Challenge as a contest, giveaway, or sweepstakes because those are cringeworthy words and Instagram is chalked FULL of this. THIS is a challenge. We challenge each other to do better, be better, and think outside the box- and hey if there’s a prize at the end of the rainbow that’s just a bonus.
Check out thebuilderschallenge.com and see what the party is all about!